Website Manager

Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch - Little League Softball




Article 1


Sec. 1.01


The name of this non-profit corporation is Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch Softball, Inc. The accepted abbreviation is BGFP.


Article 2

Goals andObjectives

Sec. 2.01


To Foster, Encourage and Promote the Participation of Children in Fastpitch for Educational, Competitive and Recreational purposes.

Sec. 2.02


To provide girls in the central Kentucky area with the facilities, equipment, and supervision to enjoy and learn the game of fastpitch softball at both recreational and select team levels—All-Stars and Force.



To teach them, while they are learning and playing, the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship.




To advance the spirit of teamwork and team play.




By means of supervised athletic competition, to guide these young girls through a period of maturation into honest, thoughtful and useful adult citizens of our community.




Article 3


Sec. 3.01

Player Members

Any central Kentucky girl meeting requirements of Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch Softball shall be eligible for participation but shall have no rights, duties, or obligations in the management or in the property.Any girl found to have acted immorally or improperly and displaying behavior that is contrary to the stated objectives above in Article 2 and/or in violation of any applicable Lexington Fayette County Urban Government (LFCUG) Parks and Recreation policy may be released from membership at the discretion of the board.

Sec. 3.02

Player Attendance

At any time after the first half of the regular season has been completed, should a player have not been in attendance of at least half (50%) of their team’s regular season games, that teams Coach may not be required to play that player and may be subject to further action including dismissal from the team with board approval.

Sec. 3.03

Regular Members

The regular membership in this corporation shall include any adult actively interested in furthering the objectives of Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch Softball, Inc.

Sec. 3.04

Board of Directors

Management of the organization, and its assets/resources, shall rest with the Board of Directors as defined in Sec. 5.01.




Article 4

Dues & Financial Responsibilities

Sec. 4.01

Player Members

Fees for player members may be fixed at such amounts as the Board of Directors shall determine.

Sec. 4.02

Regular Members

Dues for regular members may be fixed at such amounts, as the Board of Directors shall determine.

Sec. 4.03


All members of the organization will be required to participate in fundraising activities at the discretion of the Board of Directors.




Article 5

Board of Directors

Sec. 5.01


The Board of Directors includes the followingvoting officers: (1) President; (2) Vice President; (3) Secretary; (4)Treasurer; (5) Player/Coaching Director; (6) Facilities Manager; (7) Equipment Manager; (8) Force Liaison; and (9) Marketing & Publicity Director. Additional,non-votingofficers serving to help meet the needs of BGFP include: Immediate Past President; Scheduler; Force Treasurer; Insurance/Team Parent Coordinator; Social Media Coordinator; Tournament Coordinator; Uniform Coordinator; T-Ball, 8U, 10U, 12U and 14/16U Division Coordinators; BGFP Administrator; and Events Coordinator.

Sec. 5.02

General Powers

The business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors.In the management of the business and affairs, the Board of Directors is hereby vested with all the powers possessed by the corporation itself, so far as this delegation of authority is not inconsistent with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the Articles of Incorporation or with these by-laws.So long as operating within these confines, the actions of the board of directors shall be without legal or personal liability.The Board of Directors has the power to authorize the corporation’s president to execute all legal instruments of every kind and nature on behalf of the corporation, including notes, leases, conveyances, contracts and all other instruments.The Board of Directors has the power to adopt all local rules governing the operation of Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch Softball, Inc. and any other activities involving the corporation.

Sec. 5.03


All terms shall be of 1 year duration, but may be extended at the discretion of the officer and the board of directors. All officers and coordinators are elected at a meeting held in September, with terms to run from November 1 through October 31. All elected position on the Board shall be filled at all times.

Sec. 5.04

Manner of Acting

The act of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors unless otherwise designated in these by-laws.Quorum in met when five or more voting members are present.

Sec. 5.05

Method of Voting

Voting will be by voice, unless two-thirds of the membership carries a vote in favor of secret ballot.Electronic means of voting may be used as needed.A member may choose to proxy their vote to the President as needed. The following board members shall have voting privileges: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Force Liaison, Administration and Marketing, Field Manager, Equipment Manager and Player Agent/Coaching Coordinator.The President shall abstain from voting and is only allowed to vote in the event of a tie.

Sec. 5.06


Any mid-term vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors shall be filled by nomination of the President and confirmation by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term of the vacancy.

Sec. 5.07


Board Members as defined in Sec. 5.01 shall serve without remuneration.Further, all board members, voting and non-voting, that have children playing shall be exempt from all spring, summer or fall registration fees, with the exception of All-Star or Force play, during their tenure.Any board member that does not have a child playing in the league shall be entitled to concession benefits to be defined each year ahead of the season at the discretion of the board and with the approval of the board.





Article 6


Sec. 6.01


Qualifications– The league President may be a man or woman.The president should have had a minimum of one year of service on the Board of Directors in some capacity and preferably that year would have been as league Vice President.The President is the league’s main contact with the general public and therefore shall reflect qualities of leadership; dedication to the goals and purposes set forth in Sec. 1.01, and has high moral standards.While efficient organization and administrative abilities are desirable credentials, the fact of good leadership transcends all others as a requirement for this office.


Responsibilities– The President is a voting member (as defined in Sec 5.05) and shall preside over meetings.The President shall perform such duties as may be requested by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. The President is the chief administrative officer of the league.He/She will be responsible for the conduct of the Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch in strict conformity to the policies, principles, rules and regulations set forth in these Articles.

2. He/She is to exercise authority over all functions of the league unless otherwise indicated by the Board of Directors.

3. The President is responsible for formulating the agenda for each meeting of the board and is to preside over each meeting.In the event of any absence from a meeting, the President shall notify the league Vice President of the expected absence and provide the Vice President with the meeting agenda.The president shall see that each meeting is conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order (revised).

4. The President must be the most informed officer of the league.

5. The President receives all mail addressed to the league.He/She is the only officer authorized to speak for the league or sign letters written in the name of the league, except when he/she designates otherwise.

6. The President will be responsible for adding to a meeting agenda any item deemed significant by any member of the Board of Directors.

7. The President must oversee the general conduct of all officers and all team coaches, and must bring to the attention of the board any irregular or abnormal conduct.

8. The President is responsible for ascertaining that each board member is performing his/her duties in an acceptable or adequate manner. He/She must report to the board any instance where it is apparent that a board member is not performing his/her duties.

9. The President as a voting member of the Board of Directors may vote on any issue brought before the Board, but only in the case of a tie.

10. The President will audit the books at the end of the season and prior to the beginning of the season and oversee that the Treasurer files the annual report form and pay the fees for the Articles of Incorporation to the Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office.

11. The President or another officer shall cosign with the Treasurer all checks written by the league.

12. The President shall serve as a member of the nominating committee for officers for the coming year.

13. The President may serve as a non-voting board member (president pro-tem) the following year if he/she chooses and if the board so chooses.

14. The President may from time to time be called upon to make immediate decisions to further the business of the Board of Directors and has the authority to spend funds necessary to accomplish the day to day operations of the Board and Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch.Expenditures of less than $400 will not require prior board approval.

Sec. 6.02

Vice President

Qualifications– The league Vice President may be selected from any interested adult. The Vice President should be willing to serve as President at the conclusion of his/her term as Vice President, if approved by the Board of Directors, unless due hardship is shown. Otherwise, the Vice President should have the same qualifications as the President except that one year of service on the Board of Directors shall not be required.


Responsibilities– The Vice President is a voting member and shall perform such duties as may be assigned him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside over Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch Softball meetings.

3. The Vice President should be aware of and participate appropriately in all aspects of the recreational, Allstar and travel team league operations in order to ensure continuity the following year.

4. Provides oversight and assistance as need to the Scheduler including the preparation of the league practice and playing schedule.

5. Provides oversight and assistance as need to the Tournament Coordinator.

6. Provides oversight and assistance as need to the Concessions along with the Treasurer.

7. Supervises the umpires, appoints a contact or Director of Umpires from the umpire staff, and makes recommendations regarding the umpire staff.

8. Determines in conjunction with the league president and Board of Directors, the fees for umpires.

9. Serve as a member of the Nominating Committee for officers for the coming year.

10. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.03


Qualifications– The Secretary may be any interested adult who possesses abilities to accurately record the proceedings of the board meetings and maintain the league records, including filing the Annual Report with the Secretary of State and keeping the organization in good standing with the Secretary of State.


Responsibilities– The Secretary is a voting member and shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President or Vice President.The Secretary shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Keep the minutes of the Board of Director’s meetings and distribute minutes to all board members.

3. See that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these by laws or as required by law.

4. Be custodian of corporate records.

5. Assist the President and other board members with required Parks and Recreation documents and other correspondence.

6. Report, in advance when possible, the agenda formulated by the board members for each board meeting.

7. Publish the minutes from the monthly board meetings in written form for approval at the immediate next board meeting.

8. Serves as a member of the Nominating Committee for officers for the coming year.

9. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.04


Qualifications– The Treasurer may be any interested adult who possesses general knowledge of bookkeeping, accounting software and other special abilities to handle the league’s finances.


Responsibilities– The Treasurer is a voting member and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Deposits all funds of the corporation in such bank or banks, as the Board of Directors shall designate.

3. Endorses for deposit or collection all checks and notes payable to the corporation or its order.

4. Assists the President in the review of the books.

5. Attends the regular meetings of the Board of Directors, and prepares a financial report to be given at each of the regular meetings of the Board of Directors, and reports at the first board meeting following each of the Spring, Summer, All-Star and Fall programs regarding revenues and expenses for all applicable accounts—gaming, concession, league, Force, Allstar, etc.

6. Prepares an annual general operating budget in January in cooperation with the President to be presented at the pre-season meeting in February for approval by the Board of Directors.

7. Prepares specific operating budgets for the Spring, Summer, All-Star and Fall programs in advance of each program to be presented and approved by the Board of Directors at the last board meeting preceding the start date of each program.

8. Files (or contracts to have filed) a Form 990 before February 15 of each year with the Internal Revenue Service.

9. Prepares a statement of income and expenses at the end of each fiscal year.

10. Files (or contracts to have filed) a quarterly sales tax report to the State Department of Revenue as required.

11. Co-signs with the President or another officer of the board on all checks written by the league greater than or equal to $1000.

12. Coordinates with the Secretary to ensure timely filing of the annual report form and pays the fees for the Articles of Incorporation to the Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office along with filing any necessary forms regarding the league’s 501c3 status.

13. With the Vice President, monitors the concession sales and provides a periodic account to the board members of the profitability of the concession sales.

14. Provides oversight and assistance as need to the Insurance/Team Parent Coordinator and Force Treasurer.

15. Serves as a member of the Nominating Committee for officers for the coming year.

16. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.05

Player/Coaching Director

Qualifications– The Player/Coaching Director may be selected from any interested adult with some expertise or experience in coaching techniques, select teams and tournament play but need not also be a coach. They should have a general knowledge of the applicable softball rules and regulations and possess the capabilities to enforce these rules and regulations.


Responsibilities– The Player/Coaching Director is a voting member and shall perform such duties as may be assigned him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Assist the President in establishing and maintaining the eligibility of player personnel.

3. Confirm coaching abilities through any and all necessary means of collecting resumes, checking references and performing interviews.

4. Coordinate with the Division Coordinators and Force Liaison to accept nominations of league, Allstar and select travel team Coaches.The Coaching Coordinator coordinates the coaches and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors as to coaching assignments and provides recommendations to the Board annually in a timely manner. Take all necessary steps to ensure sufficiency of coaches to operate the various programs.

5. Investigates and performs any necessary background checks on potential coaches.All background check must be reviewed with the President prior to any recommendations made to the Board.

6. Assists the Division Coordinators with the preparation of rosters from registrations forms submitted, and submit rosters of each team showing name, address, phone numbers and birth dates to the Board of Directors as required or requested.

7. Oversee league and all-star player assessment/ team assignment or draft process in conjunction with each Division Coordinator.

8. Prepares and schedules required pre-season coaches meetings and training for Spring and Fall league sessions.

9. Coordinate the post-season league tournament in conjunction with each Division Coordinator and the Scheduler.

10. Facilitates with the All-star coaches the activities of the BGFP select All-Stars teams at every age division including but not limited to available tournaments, sanctions/insurance, uniforms, budget and need for sponsorship in conjunction with the recreation treasurer. (see Appendix: All-Star SelectTeam Policy)

11. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.06

Facilities Manager

Qualifications– The Facilities Manager may be selected from any interested adult with working knowledge of the field requirements and upkeep necessary for safe and appropriate playing fields.


Responsibilities– The Facilities Manager is a voting member and shall perform such duties as may be assigned him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for being at the field and/or designating another member of the Board of Directors to be at the field daily to determine whether the field is suitable for play.

3. The Facilities Manager secures necessary personnel required for maintaining and preparing the fields plus maintaining batting cages in a usable manner including scheduling and organizing annual BGFP Field Maintenance Day(s).

4. The Facilities Manager, in conjunction with the Fayette Parks and Recreation, keeps the field properly groomed and watered; i.e. grass cut, properly lined for games, and irrigation devices to perform in a workable manner, etc.

5. The Facilities Manager makes recommendations to the Board for park and field improvement projects.

6. The Facilities Manager coordinates all appropriate maintenance for necessary facilities and equipment including ordering of needed supplies (lights, tractors, chalk, etc.)

7. The Facilities Manager coordinates with LFUCG and any non-league sanctioned tournament for any and all necessary accommodations during tournament play occurring outside the parameters of the league.

8. The Facilities Manager coordinates staffing at the field to ensure that lighting is turned on/off at necessary times.

9. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.07

Equipment Manager

Qualifications– This position may be filled by any interested adult who has a general knowledge of softball equipment and quality of merchandise and an ability to select equipment based on a quality cost analysis.


Responsibilities– The manger is a voting member and shall have the overall responsibility for equipment purchase and care, maintaining an on hand supply of equipment, and other duties assigned to him/her by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Maintain an inventory list of the league’s properties including equipment

3. Operates as the custodian of all equipment, coordinating pre-season distribution and post-season collection.

4. Establishes a total list of needed equipment annually.Bids, including information such as types of equipment priced will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.The equipment must be purchased and in the hands of the coaches by April 1.

5. Supplies each coach with appropriate equipment and one dozen practice softballs and one score book prior to April 1.

6. Supplies the coaches with keys as necessary throughout the season(s) to conduct practice and prepare for games.

7. Maintains records as to who has equipment and keys checked in/out at all times, and coordinates the delivery and return of all necessary equipment.

8. Replaces damaged or faulty team equipment throughout the season. An inspection of such equipment must be made prior to replacement.

9. Maintains an adequate supply of game softballs at all times. Responsible for supplying game balls to the designated location in the concession for the umpires prior to all games.

10. Will work with and be responsible for oversight of the uniform coordinator activities.

11. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.08

Force Liaison

Qualifications– The Force Liaison may be selected from any interested adult with some experience in select travel teams and tournament play


Responsibilities– The Force Liaison is a voting member and shall perform the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Establishes and maintains the eligibility of player personnel.

3. Coordinates with the Player/Coaching Director and Division Coordinators to accept nominations of Force select travel team Coaches.Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors annually as to coaching assignments.Take all necessary steps to ensure sufficiency of coaches to operate the various programs.

4. Confirms coaching abilities through any and all necessary means of collecting resumes, checking references and performing interviews.

5. Investigates and performs any necessary background checks on potential coaches.All background check must be reviewed with the President prior to any recommendations made to the Board.

6. Coordinators programmatic development of the Force league in a manner that facilitates play at a higher competitive, year around level while still supporting the league and Allstar programs.

7. Facilitates and oversees all activities of the BGFP select Force teams at every age division including but not limited to available tournaments, sanctions/insurance, uniforms, budget and need for sponsorship in conjunction with the treasurer.

8. Oversees and assists the Force Treasurer as needed.

9. Holds at minimal annual meetings of the Force coaches to review applicable BGFP policies and discuss strategies to advance the Force select travel team program.

10. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.09

Marketing & Publicity Director

Qualifications – The Marketing & Publicity Director must have good communication skills, and a general knowledge of marketing techniques.


Responsibilities– The director as a voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Responsible for all board approved advertising and marketing functions of the Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch Softball, Inc., including use of every public media as needed to adequately cover such functions.

3. Responsible for keeping the community informed of all actions such as date and time of sign ups, try outs, tournaments, opening day ceremonies including, but not limited to use of the league website.

4. Responsible for distribution of all registration forms via mail, email, and school including obtaining approval by Fayette County Board of Education for distributing marketing materials and registration forms.

5. Responsible for biding out and obtaining photographer to take team and individual pictures and securing recreation league trophies.

6. Responsible providing all sponsors, including prospective sponsors, with information concerning Bluegrass Fast Pitch Softball functions and activities.

7. Responsible for assuring all teams identify a sponsor as required and obtaining/posting recognition signage for the sponsors on the fields throughout the year in conformity with all applicable rules and regulations.

8. All Social Media and Events Coordinator activities are done in conjunction with the Marketing & Publicity Director.

9. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.10


Qualifications– This position may be filled by any interested adult who has a general knowledge of scheduling and website updating needs.


Responsibilities– The scheduler is an anonymous, non-voting individual approved by the President and Vice President who shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Vice President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Responsible for scheduling/rescheduling all practices, games, post-season tournament, league events, and communicating that to the softball community with oversight by the Vice President.

3. Responsible for maintaining and updating the online scheduling system relative to schedules.

4. The Division Coordinator and Scheduler will coordinate the post season tournament.

5. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.11

Tournament Coordinator

Qualifications– This position may be filled by any interested adult who has a general knowledge of scheduling, tournament play, tournament brackets, seeding, and general rules of play.


Responsibilities– The coordinator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Coordinates tournament dates, team hosting and sanctioning for tournament events sponsored by BGFP.

3. Responsible for organizing, promoting, scheduling/rescheduling all BGFP sponsored tournaments and communicating that to the softball community, including but not limited to use of the BGFP internet website.

4. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.12

Insurance/Team Parent Coordinator

Qualifications– The Insurance/Team Parent Coordinator may be selected from any interested adult.


Responsibilities– The coordinator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. In conjunction with the Treasurer, is responsible for receiving bids providing detailed information for prospective bidders, and supervising contract agreements and any other matters pertaining to sanctions and insurance with the approval of the Board of Directors.

3. Responsible of administering and ensuring the sufficiency of any and all sanction and insurance needs for all BGFP activities.

4. Maintains the injury reports and makes all necessary reports to the city, the Board of Directors and the insurance carriers.

5. Serve as the liaison between any injured person and the insurance carrier and supplies information and documentation as necessary and proper, in conformity with the insurance contract.

6. Coordinates and educates all Team Parents on support activities for individual teams including injury reporting process, team communication, uniform try on, raffle, team sponsor, etc.

7. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.13

Force Treasurer

Qualifications– The Force Treasurer may be any interested adult who possesses general knowledge of bookkeeping, accounting software and other special abilities to handle Force finances.


Responsibilities– The Force Treasurer is a non-voting member and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors, in addition to the following duties:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Assist Force coaches with any financial questions or needs (ordering checks, opening/closing accounts, setting up or removing access to online bank accounts, etc).

3. Serve, along with the Treasurer as an approved signer on all Force accounts.

4. Monitors the Force team accounts for all activity including source of revenue required for tax documentation.

5. Prepares a by Force team financial report quarterly for the meeting of the Board of Directors regarding revenues and expenses.

6. Prepares a statement of income and expenses for each Force team on a regular basis (monthly/quarterly) and at the end of each fiscal year that will be used for tax submission.

7. Coordinates with the Secretary to ensure timely filing of the annual report form and pays the fees for the Articles of Incorporation to the Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office along with filing any necessary forms regarding the league’s 501c3 status.

8. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.14

Division Coordinator

Qualifications– There is an individual Division coordinator at the following playing levels- 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U/16U/18U.This position may be filled by any interested adult.The Division Coordinator should have a general knowledge of the applicable softball rules and regulations, some expertise or experience in coaching techniques, and working knowledge of the field requirements and upkeep necessary for safe and appropriate playing fields.


Responsibilities– The coordinator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Through the Player/Coaching Director, shall make recommendations to the board as to coaching selection including league, Allstar and Force, participate in the preseason coaches meeting and training, attend practices and games of all teams throughout the season to ensure fairness and competency of the coaches during practice and games, assist the development of coaching criteria for evaluation of coaches, and assist in updating and distributing playing rules for their designated division.

3. In conjunction with the Player/Coaching Director shall assist with player assessment/team assignment or draft of roster players for league play.

4. Coordinate, organize and assist recreational Team Parent’s in their obligations on behalf of their individual teams as necessary.

5. Responsible for compiling, posting and/or maintaining all available statistics, utilizing the official scorebook, that are necessary for the functioning of the league.Work in conjunction with the Website Coordinator to post such statistics.


6. Ensure that all players are being treated fairly and acts as a liaison between the players and coaches if disputes arise, and communicate any issues to the Player/Coaching Director and the Board as necessary.

7. Attend practices and games of all teams throughout the season to ensure fairness and competency of coaches during practice and games.

8. Organize, schedule and serve as director on the days of the post season tournament to directly handle any issues and present trophies to teams.

9. Recognize that meetings may be necessary with the coaches and any other necessary parties to fully investigate any complaints, problems or concerns and shall be responsible for making recommendations to the board for handling any issues that may arise.

10. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.15

Uniform Coordinator

Qualifications– This position may be filled by any interested adult who has a general knowledge of softball uniforms, logos, and an ability to select uniforms based on a quality cost analysis.


Responsibilities– The coordinator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Obtain a list from each coach detailing names, numbers and sizes on a timely basis to provide uniforms to the teams prior to the first scheduled game.

3. Obtain bids, including information such as quality of uniforms priced, will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.The uniforms must be ordered and in the hands of the coaches by the first scheduled game of the seasons and in advance of the All-Star program.

4. Shall have responsibility for overseeing uniform try on, ordering, and delivery.

5. All uniform activities are done in coordination with the Equipment Manager.

6. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned

Sec. 6.16

BGFP Administrator

Qualifications– This position may be filled by any interested adult who has a general knowledge of the team management software systems and the Internet.


Responsibilities– The administrator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Responsible for administering the team management software including but not limited to: creation of playing session, creation of applicable promo codes need for registrations, assigning appropriate access rights to other Board members so as to allow independent work, input team assignments and team rosters for each session.


3. Yes, may want to add something about helping with the sponsorship payment setup options, and running reports for uniform sizing and registration details. Most of those reports are already setup, but someone else should know how to use them as well.

4. Responsible for administering team management software in conjunction with the Treasurer to assure all applicable fees are in place prior to player assignment to any team including league, Allstar and/or Force teams.

5. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.17

Social Media Coordinator

Qualifications– This position may be filled by any interested adult who has a general knowledge of the Internet and use of social media.


Responsibilities– The coordinator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Responsible for maintaining and promoting all applicable website and social media in coordination with the Marketing & Publicity Director.

3. Responsible for monitoring the website, BGFP and select team Facebook pages for any evidence of inappropriate use.Any concerns must be brought to the Director of Marketing & Publicity and the President.

4. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.18

Events Coordinator

Qualifications– The Events Coordinator may be selected from any interested adult.


Responsibilities– The coordinator as a non-voting member shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. Investigate, recommend to the Board of Directors, and coordinate the scheduling of all events surrounding any opening and/or closing ceremonies.

3. Investigate, recommend to the Board of Directors, and coordinate the scheduling of the Family Fun Day Picnic including all associated activities.

4. All Events Coordinator activities are done in coordination with the Marketing & Publicity Director.

5. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assign.

Sec. 6.19

Immediate Past President

Qualifications– The Immediate Past President is the individual that served as president the year before.


Responsibilities– The Past President is a non-voting member and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors in addition to the following:


1. Will support all bylaws, rules and regulations of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

2. The Immediate Past President is primarily a resource to the currently sitting President and Vice President, and should be willing to fill in as necessary in the absence of the President and Vice President.

3. In the absence of the President and the Vice President, the Immediate Past President will preside over Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch Softball meetings.

4. The Immediate Past President will serve as a member of the nominating committee for officers for the coming year.

5. The Immediate Past President will assist with the supervision of the league sign-ups, try outs and player selection draft.

6. The Immediate Past President will assist with the preparation of the league playing schedule.

7. Recognizing that it takes a great deal of effort to perform all necessary duties to operate the league and its many functions, and in the spirit of volunteerism, all board members and coordinators agree to participate in duties as assigned with Opening/Closing ceremonies and with the Family Fun Day/Picnic, or any other duties as assigned.

Sec. 6.20

Disciplinary Action

The board has the authority to remove any officer who is found to be guilty of failure to adequately perform his/her duties, of behavior, which reflects unfavorably on the league or of lack of allegiance to Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.


Any voting or non-voting member of the Board of Directors having information relative to such matters may present them to the Board of Directors for discussion.The problem must be referred to a committee for evaluation.The size and make up of the committee is determined by the President.If the President is being accused of any of these offenses, the committee is appointed by the league Vice President.A two-thirds vote of the full board is required to remove an officer from his position.The accused officer may not vote.


Coaches– The disciplinary procedure outlined in Sec. 6.17 above may also be applied to Coaches who are suspected of the offenses listed in 6.17-A.In addition, the following “violations” may be considered in evaluation of charges:


Attempting to coerce or otherwise influence a second Coach to lose games.


Evidence that a Coach did not go “all out” to win a game that had an important bearing on league standings.


Evidence that games were lost deliberately in order to gain a higher draft position for the following year.


If a Coach instructs a player to intentional perform poorly or “throw” try outs.





Article 7

Meetings and Quorum

Sec. 7.01

Regular Meetings

The Board of Directors shall meet monthly, or as needed, or a minimum of four times a year at such places as may be designated.The September meeting will be used to review and approve the new Board Members.The October meeting, also mandatory, will be attended by both the outgoing and the incoming boards for the transition of duties, and handing over of notebooks/materials relevant to the board position.

Sec. 7.02

Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or any three members of the Board of Directors.Special meetings shall be held at a time and place as may be designated in a notice from the Secretary.The notice of a special meeting must designate the matters to be considered at such a special meeting.


Additional new matters may be considered during a special meeting if the members of the board unanimously approve that the new matters be so considered.

Sec. 7.03

General Membership Meeting

A general membership meeting will be held annually.This meeting may be a picnic or similar activity as approved by the board.

Sec. 7.04


The presence of 5 or more voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of general business.If a quorum is not present, then the meeting may be reconvened without further notice.


Selection of Coaches, Performance Review of Coaches– Two thirds of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business relating to selection of coaches, dismissal of coaches, performance review of coaches, election and/or dismissal of a board member.




Article 8

Amendments to These By Laws

Sec. 8.01


These by laws may be amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors or by electronic vote by a two-thirds vote of the board provided written notice of the proposed revision has been given each member at least ten days in advance.





Article 9

League Year

Sec. 9.01

League Year

The recreational league year shall begin on November 1 of each year and end on October 31 of the following year.The Force team year shall begin on August 1 of each year and end on September 30 of the following year.




Article 10

Financial Policy

Sec. 10.01


The Board of Directors shall have final authority in all matters pertaining to the finances of the Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.

Sec. 10.02

Common Treasury

The Board of Directors shall place all income except that from raffle related fund raising in a common treasury, directing the expenditures of same in such manner as will permit no individuals or team to have an advantage over any other individual or team in any manner.Raffle related funds are placed in the designated Gaming account as required and directed for expenditure by the Board of Directors as above.

Sec. 10.03


The Board of Directors shall not encourage the contribution of funds to individuals or teams, but shall solicit same for the common treasury.The purpose of this regulation is to discourage favoritism among teams and to endeavor to equalize the benefits of Bluegrass Girls Fast Pitch.




Article 11


Sec. 11.01

Nominating Committee

A nominating committee will be authorized for the purpose of presenting a slate of nominees each year for the various open positions on the Board of Directors.This will be a standing committee that is formed automatically and shall consist of the following persons: 1) President, 2) Immediate Past President (as applicable), 3) Vice President, 4) Secretary, 5) Treasurer, and 6) Player Agent/Coach Manager.

Sec. 11.02

Coach Screening Committee

A screening committee will be authorized to review coach applications, to interview applicants and to present recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding coach applicants. This will be a standing committee that is formed automatically and shall consist of the following persons: 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Division Coordinators, 4) Player/Coaching Director.Background checks will be reviewed by the Player/Coaching Director and President.




Article 12

Sign ups, Try outs and Draft Procedures


Sec. 12.01

Sign ups

Sign up dates, times and locations are to be announced publicly and offered at least three separate days.Birth Certificates may be requested at any time for all player signees.

Sec. 12.02

Try outs/ Draft Procedures

Player assessment and/or draft will consist of at least but not limited to hitting, fielding, throwing and running as time allows.

Sec. 12.03


The Board may from time to time adopt procedures for Try-Outs and Draft. (see Appendix: Try Out/Draft Policy.)




To Be Revised Separately

Head Coach and Assistant Coach Policy

Try Out and Draft Policy

Select Force Team Policy



Approved: February 5, 2013

Revised: February 5, 2013

Revised: March 18, 2015

Revised: November 2015

Revised September 2016


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