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Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch - Little League Softball



Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination involving unwelcome sexual or sex-based conduct that interferes with the employment or participation of others. Harassing behaviors can be verbal, non-verbal, or physical, and range from subtle innuendo of a sexual nature to coerced sexual activity.

Some examples of behaviors that are sexually harassing include:

§ Unwanted sexual remarks or inferences;

§ Offensive comments about sex- or gender-specific traits;

§ Unwelcome sexual propositions, threats, bribes, written notes, or phone calls;

§ Unwelcome gestures or sounds;

§ Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature [e.g. touching, pinching, kissing, or holding]

Sexual harassment violates Bluegrass Girls Fastpitch policy as well as Federal law. All coaches, board members and adults working with players should be aware that substantiated incidents of such behavior could result in disciplinary action for offenders as severe as dismissal.  In addition to league sanctions, people who engage in sexual harassment may be subject to civil or criminal action.

Any coach, board member, player or another person believes he or she has been harassed by an adult associated with a BGFP should promptly report the facts of the incident or incidents and the names of the individual(s) involved to the league president. Upon receipt of a complaint, the league and it’s Board of Directors will undertake a prompt, thorough, objective and good faith investigation of the harassment allegations.

If the organization determines that harassment has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. Any person determined by the Board of Directors to be responsible for harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Click below to download for signature:
bgp sexual harassment policy- draft.pdf

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